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Need Based Financial Assistance

We offer a range of need-based financial assistance programs for individuals and organizations. The type and amount of assistance (both in terms of dollar amount and places available) available varies by program and is generally on a first-come basis.

We offer these because we know what its like to want to take a course, or a workshop, or participate in a program, and we can't manage the investment as a whole or in part.

We also offer financial assistance because we welcome people from across the globe and thus what is accessible in terms of investment, can vary wildly.

We offer these because inequity, specifically economic inequity is still very much a problem. Just as there is a great deal of variation of what is accessible, so to is there great variation between individuals.

For our workshops and online courses, generally there is at least one free/discounted place available per workshop.

If you would like to request financial assistance, please complete the form below.

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